I’ve written about the magical spirit bears on Planetsave before. They are, unfortunately, threatened with extinction from overly rapacious oil companies. A petition over on Change.org directed at key government leaders is aimed at protecting the Great Bear Rainforest and spirit bears. Here’s the intro:
Enbridge, Inc. has plans to build an oil pipeline through the pristine rainforest in British Columbia to satisfy Asia’s hunger for Canadian oil sands. The Great Bear Rainforest is one of the last pieces of land still untouched by man, which is home to the rare spirit bears, ancient forests, and stunning marine biodiversity.
Help save this precious land from being destroyed by a greedy oil company! A company who just spilled 1 MILLION GALLONS of oil into a river near Marshall, MI, which flows into the Great Lakes.
Hasn’t our earth endured enough tragedy from oil companies?
Sign the petition here:
Related Story: Spirit Bears, and How You Can Help Protect Them [VIDEOS]
Photo Credit: Roberta Taylor via flickr (CC license)
I am honored to help protect the glorious Great Bear Rain Forest and Spirit Bears !
Sacred Forest with infinite beauty and precious lives flourishing !
My heart truly, honestly bleeds. I just cannot, nor will I ever be able to wrap my head/understanding or even tolerance around the complete and selfish destruction we wreak. Oh, Lord God, open our eyes and our hearts.
no provinces on form….?
hmm, we didn’t create the petition. do you have contact info for the relevant provinces, to include for our readers? i also should be able to pass such info on the the petition creators.