Comet ISON Shining Vibrant Emerald Green In New Image

A beautiful new image of Comet ISON has just come to light — showing the vibrant, almost emerald green color of the comet’s coma. The image was taken with the 0.8-meter Schulman Telescope at the University of Arizona SkyCenter by astrophotographer Adam Block.

While Comet ISON is lagging behind some of the more optimistic predictions made earlier this year, and has yet to become visible to the naked eye, it’s still very likely that ISON will become a naked eye comet before the end of the year — so long as it survives its closest approach to the Sun on November 28th that is. Until that date, the comet should steadily (or not so steadily…) become brighter and brighter.

Comet ISON green coma

If you’re wondering about the green color — that’s apparently the result of melting gases containing the chemical cyanogen — a rather poisonous gas, inorganic cyanides are generally very poisonous — as well as diatomic carbon. Both compounds are known to glow green when exposed to sunlight in the vacuum of interplanetary space.

As an interesting aside — cyanogen is currently an important intermediate in the production of many modern chemical fertilizers… The effects of inhalation include: severe headache, dizziness, rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and death — with the severity of the effects depending primarily on the degree of exposure.

For those who have access to a telescope (and clear, dark skies), you can currently find Comet ISON rising right alongside the planet Mars in the eastern sky, just before dawn.

You can find out more about Comet ISON and the other prominent astronomical events of the year here: Astronomy 2013, Comet ISON, Geminids, Lunar Eclipses, Solar Eclipses, Supermoon, Etc

Image Credit: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona

6 thoughts on “Comet ISON Shining Vibrant Emerald Green In New Image”

  1. A certain Pastor in the USA believes its that Comet ISON is the end of time. I personaly dont Comet just travel through space and sometimes will hit solid objects like Planets or collide with other Comets. So we still be here this time next year. Touch wood.

  2. A certain Pastor in the USA believes its that Comet ISON is the end of time. I personaly dont Comet just travel through space and sometimes will hit solid objects like Planets or collide with other Comets. So we still be here this time next year. Touch wood.

  3. ASTEROIDS, COMETS, AND METEORS ORIGINATED FROM EARTH: In the Earth’s past there were powerful volcanic explosions propelling millions of tons of earth soil and rock (now asteroids and meteors which may contain organic molecules or organisms) into space. Read my popular Internet article, ANY LIFE ON MARS CAME FROM EARTH. The article explains how millions of tons of Earth soil may exist on Mars, and how debris we call asteroids and meteors could have originated from Earth. According to a Newsweek article of September 21, 1998, p. 12 that quotes a NASA scientist, SEVEN MILLION tons of Earth soil may exist on Mars! How could this be possible? Read and find out.

    Even if the right chemicals exist, life cannot arise by chance. The
    molecules that make-up life have to be in a sequence, just like the letters
    found in a sentence.

    Scientist and creationist, Brian Thomas explains:

    “Astronomers measure comets’ masses and erosion rates to calculate potential lifespans. Sungrazing comets last fewer than 100,000 years.2 They thus confront
    secular astronomy which maintains that comets formed with the rest of the solar
    system billions of years ago. A solar system that old should have no remaining

    How do secularists solve this dilemma?

    Reporting on Ison, The Independent said, “Comet Ison has taken
    millions of years to reach us travelling from the so-called Oort cloud – a
    reservoir of trillions and trillions of chunks of rock and ice, leftovers from
    the birth of the planets.”3

    Unfortunately, nobody has yet witnessed a single one of those
    “trillions and trillions of chunks.” Going strictly with
    observational science, the “so-called Oort cloud” may exist only in
    the reservoir of the human mind.

    Clearly, secular astronomers invented the Oort cloud to rescue their
    billions-of-years dogma from a disintegration process that limits a comet’s
    age—and thus the age of the Solar System—to thousands of years. When Ison
    becomes visible later this year, perhaps it will remind thoughtful viewers that
    the universe is quite young, just as Scripture teaches” (Brian Thomas, M.S., Science Writer at the Institute for Creation research).

    Check out my most recent Internet articles and sites: THE SCIENCE

    Babu G. Ranganathan*
    B.A. Bible/Biology

    Author of popular Internet article, TRADITIONAL DOCTRINE OF HELL EVOLVED

    *I have given successful lectures (with question and answer period
    afterwards) defending creation before evolutionist science faculty and students
    at various colleges and universities. I’ve been privileged to be recognized in
    the 24th edition of Marquis “Who’s Who in The East” for my writings
    on religion and science.

  4. ASTEROIDS, COMETS, AND METEORS ORIGINATED FROM EARTH: In the Earth’s past there were powerful volcanic explosions propelling millions of tons of earth soil and rock (now asteroids and meteors which may contain organic molecules or organisms) into space. Read my popular Internet article, ANY LIFE ON MARS CAME FROM EARTH. The article explains how millions of tons of Earth soil may exist on Mars, and how debris we call asteroids and meteors could have originated from Earth. According to a Newsweek article of September 21, 1998, p. 12 that quotes a NASA scientist, SEVEN MILLION tons of Earth soil may exist on Mars! How could this be possible? Read and find out.

    Even if the right chemicals exist, life cannot arise by chance. The
    molecules that make-up life have to be in a sequence, just like the letters
    found in a sentence.

    Scientist and creationist, Brian Thomas explains:

    “Astronomers measure comets’ masses and erosion rates to calculate potential lifespans. Sungrazing comets last fewer than 100,000 years.2 They thus confront
    secular astronomy which maintains that comets formed with the rest of the solar
    system billions of years ago. A solar system that old should have no remaining

    How do secularists solve this dilemma?

    Reporting on Ison, The Independent said, “Comet Ison has taken
    millions of years to reach us travelling from the so-called Oort cloud – a
    reservoir of trillions and trillions of chunks of rock and ice, leftovers from
    the birth of the planets.”3

    Unfortunately, nobody has yet witnessed a single one of those
    “trillions and trillions of chunks.” Going strictly with
    observational science, the “so-called Oort cloud” may exist only in
    the reservoir of the human mind.

    Clearly, secular astronomers invented the Oort cloud to rescue their
    billions-of-years dogma from a disintegration process that limits a comet’s
    age—and thus the age of the Solar System—to thousands of years. When Ison
    becomes visible later this year, perhaps it will remind thoughtful viewers that
    the universe is quite young, just as Scripture teaches” (Brian Thomas, M.S., Science Writer at the Institute for Creation research).

    Check out my most recent Internet articles and sites: THE SCIENCE

    Babu G. Ranganathan*
    B.A. Bible/Biology

    Author of popular Internet article, TRADITIONAL DOCTRINE OF HELL EVOLVED

    *I have given successful lectures (with question and answer period
    afterwards) defending creation before evolutionist science faculty and students
    at various colleges and universities. I’ve been privileged to be recognized in
    the 24th edition of Marquis “Who’s Who in The East” for my writings
    on religion and science.

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